
Nicole Allen

Nicole Allen

One does not ordinarily connect the refined skill and dexterity of a hairdresser with that of a sculptor, but in essence they equally demand an exacting capacity for three-dimensional visualization, symmetrical understanding and a working knowledge of the staged process involved in realizing the “finished work”. Both require excellence in technical foresight.

Nicole began her artistic career earnestly studying visual arts part-time at Frankston’s Chisholm Institute, majoring in sculpture.

A bite from the travel bug then led her to Africa, where she became increasingly moved by, and interested in, indigenous stone art.

While her heavily abstracted stone carvings reflected her deep love of primitive and native art, she also figuratively sculpts in welded mild, Cor 10 and stainless steel – a reverse sculptural method to that of stone carving, as it requires a “building up” of the form, rather than formalizing shapes by a “reductionist” process.

Nicole’s polished steel masks, quintessentially embodying the spirit of being – calling forth the very powers that reputedly exist in the mystical realm of supernatural magic. This powerful, yet primitive tribal presence imbues the work of an unmistakable legacy of her rigorous artistic apprenticeship in Zimbabwe. And it serves her exceptionally well.
Nicole’s works evince a sculptural modernity of robust figures, often humorous, sculpturally intelligent, and totemic in magnitude – they glisten with mute authority.